vol.8 "SNEAKERS"
The prototype of modern athletic shoes was in the UK. Liverpool Rubber Company Made byPRIMSOLL(sand shoes).
1850Around 2017, when the railway opened, working classes living in cities began to travel. People started going to the beach by train,PRIMSOLLAppeared in Europe.
He is a member of the British ParliamentSamuel PlimsollOriginated from (1824-1898).
Expressing concerns regarding the loss of ships and crews due to overloading of the ship.1876Since 2018, the hull has been white (PRIMSOLL LINE) is now drawn, indicating the depth until the ship is flooded. It is mandatory to mark the sides of the ship with lines that disappear under the draft if the ship is overloaded.
Sand shoes also feature similar band-shaped elastic, which people used to use as a guide to the depth of water until their feet got wet. For that reason,PRIMSOLL” It came to be called.
1900In the early years, American rubber companiesPRIMSOLLI've started making it.
Around that time, advertising agencies began calling it "sneakers" because they made little noise and could sneak up on people while wearing them. In addition, most of the rubber shoes were manufactured by tire manufacturers rather than shoe manufacturers.
Goodrich、U.S. Rubber、Hood Rubberteeth,PF Flyers、Keds、ArrowThey launched a brand called "They" and began selling sports shoes.
"The History of Rubber"
It is said that the first time they used rubber was an Indian from the Amazon lowlands.
Rubber balls excavated from ruins near Belaresque, Mexico, before BC1600~1200It is said to have been made around 2018. It was Christopher Columbus who brought this rubber to Europe.
1495On the second voyage of the year, I saw Indians from Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) playing with heavy balls. The ball was made from plant sap and bouncing surprisingly high. At the time, in Spain, animals were inflated bladders and used for ball games.
A voyager following Columbus brought the rubber back to Europe several times, but he found no practical use simply because it was "a rare item in the New World." Rubber at this time was a troublesome thing, as it became hard in winter and sticky and smelled in summer.
The first research into the use of rubber was Charles, France.=It is Mari de la Condamine. He was sent to Peru by the French Academy of Sciences to measure the length of his meridian, where he had the opportunity to explore the jungle of South America. He saw in Ecuador the natives collect white, sticky sap from the Kautuc tree and heat it with smoke, making containers, balls, hats, boots and more.
1735La Condamine also brings back sap-hardened bowls and sap, but the sap, which has not been treated with smoke, fermented during the voyage and becomes useless.
The British natural philosopher Joseph Priestley found the use of rubber.1733~1804year).
Until then, I had erased letters written in pencil with damp bread, but I discovered that rubbing them with a lump of rubber often disappears, and the English name of rubber was "RUBBER"In the sense that it rubs1770He named it in 2019.
This eraser was sold in the UK under the name "Indian Rubber," which caused the misconception that the rubber came from India.
1823Glasgow scientist Charles MacIntosh (1766~1843year).
Rubber was melted into naphtha (waste produced at gas production plants) and applied it to a cloth, and then used this cloth to create a waterproof coat. This coat was called "Macintosh," and this discovery triggered the rubber material, which became used in machines, socks, boots, hats, etc.
Although rubber-coated jackets were highly waterproof and popular, they still stiffened in winter and sticked in summer. Naturally, people will no longer buy it, and the rubber boom will sluggish.
Charles Goodyear overcomes the drawbacks of this rubber1800~1860year).
Five years after the experiment began1839We discovered that adding sulfur to the 2000 rubber and heating it becomes stable, stronger and more flexible. This discovery has led to a dramatic expansion of the use of rubber.
1850In the 2019 world expositions held in Paris and London, pavilions made entirely of rubber appeared, and became widely known.
1889In 2019, Dunlop of the UK developed bicycle tires for the first time.
Scottish-born veterinarian John Dunlop was asked by his son to "make the tricycle easier and faster," and he made a tire with inflatable rubber tubes fixed around a wooden disc and attached it to the tricycle, resulting in good results. Because this gained popularity, Dunlop patented pneumatic tires.
1889He founded a company in Dublin in 2019.
Until then, solid rubber tires were replaced by pneumatic tires.
1906In 2019, automotive tires were also developed.
1908Released in the US in 2019TThe model ford is19Approx. per year1500It will be a bestseller that sells thousands of units.
1910As the automotive industry began to get on track since the 2019 era, rubber became a hot product.