vol.10『 Millefleurs 』

Vol.10 "Millefleurs"


●Millefleurs(Milfleur,Thousand Flower Pattern

What is Mille Fleur?It refers to a background style that makes many different small flowers and plants appear to be as if they were grass growing on a green space.

From the late Middle Ages to the early Renaissance1400From 20191550It is limited to European tapestry up until 2017, but is mainly1480From 20191520This style was up until about 2018.

19Century EnglandMorris & CoIt was revived by the original tapestry drawings andKelmscott Press publicationsIt is characterized by it being used as illustrations by the publisher.

Unlike many other floral ornaments such as arabesques, Mille Fleur is painted with a variety of plants, with no regular patterns. The plants fill the field without connecting or overlapping them. In this respect, it is different from the flower decorations found in Gothic colored manuscripts. At the time, Verdur was in French.verdures) was called.

The Mille Fleur style is15From the end of the century16It is the most popular tapestry in early century France and Flemish, and is famous for works such as "Ladies and Unicorns" and "Unicorn Hunting." These works are from an era known as "classical," and each plant is designed one by one, called a "bouquet," and improvised by the weavers while working.


*Morris & Co

It is a furniture and decorative company founded by artist and designer William Morris with his pre-Raphaelite friends. The Morris Co. (1875-1940), the successor to Marshall Faulkner (1861-1875), respected medieval aesthetics, handicraft and traditional woven art, and had a major influence on the decoration of churches and homes in the early 20th century.

*Kelmscott Press publications

This is a private printing workshop founded by William Morris in Hamas Miss, a suburb of West London, in 1891 in order to bring out the "ideal books" into the world.


The Lady and the Unicorn / Lady and the Unicorn

A famous medieval tapestry series "Ladies and Unicorns" depicts a ladies and unicorns.6It refers to a series of tapestry.

This tapestry is15It is thought to have been produced in the second half of the century and is considered a masterpiece of medieval European art. Based on designs painted in Paris, it is a Mille Fleur style woven in Flemish with wool and silk.6This is a modern title for the tapestry.


 The Hunt of the Unicorn / Unicorn hunting

Unicorns often appear in the Mille Fleur tapestry as part of the decorative motif;"Unicorn Tapestry "It is sometimes called. These tapestries were highly prized from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, and were often commissioned by wealthy patrons as symbols of their status and hobbies.7The "Unicorn Hunt" consisting of tapestries is considered one of the finest works of medieval tapestry art, and continues to be praised for its intricate design and rich symbolism.


The origin of the unicorn mythology

Unicorns are mythical creatures, typically horse-like animals, protruding from their foreheads.1The spiral corners of the book are drawn.

It dates back to ancient Greek and Roman mythology, and is portrayed as a ferocious animal that can only be tamed by a virgin. Unicorns became widely known in medieval European folk tales and literature, and were often portrayed as symbols of chastity and chastity.


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