vol.5『 Philadelphia の繊維産業 』

Vol.5 "PHILADELPHIA textile industry"

I introduced the last time"Philla Q.M.DepotThis time about the history of Philadelphia.



Philadelphia, a city of Pennsylvania, has the meaning of "sibling love."

Originally, BC8000It was pioneered by the native American tribe, especially the hunter gathering of the Native American tribe.

●1600At the beginning of the age

Merchants in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Sweden have a trading house for1681Charles in the UK in the year2The world has given William Pen a imperial permit to become a pencilvania colony.

1682In the year, the city of Philadelphia was established in Pennsylvania, the Royal Family, by William Pen. The textile industry began shortly after the establishment of the city and grown into one of the main industries.


The Isabella landed on the Philadelphia with Africans who became hundreds of slaves. The colonies of William Pen were prosperous, and Filadelphia eventually became the center of the largest colonial shipbuilding industry.

The first woven linen in this area was1690He was a German who settled in the northwestern German Town in the city. German Town has long been the center of the hand -knit knit industry.

Despite the growing population, fiber production increased, but in the colonial era, spinning, textiles, and organizations were mainly done manually at home and small stores, and were small.

 ●18Latter half of the century

1790Filadelphia, after the end of the Independence War (Battle of German Town), became the capital of the United States.

By this time, fiber production by machines at factories was first attempted.

Christopher Tally said in Philadelphia24Machine that spins the cotton and wool of books.

●19Early century

The federal government and the state government left Philadelphia, but Philadelphia survived as a cultural and finance center.

Philadelphia was one of the first industries in the United States, and there were various industries in the city, but the biggest one was textiles.

The southern planter has a second house in the city, has a business relationship with a bank, sends a daughter to a French finishing school operated by a refugee from Haiti, sells cotton to fiber manufacturers, and the manufacturer is a part of the product. For example, there were connections between the southern part and many economies and families, such as selling slavery clothing to the southern part.

18The attempts of large -scale mechanical fiber production held in Philadelphia in the century almost failed,19At the beginning of the century, the fiber factory increased rapidly in this area. The transfer of technology transfer from the United Kingdom to the United States has been restricted, and a large number of immigrants from German and British, who are familiar with fiber production, have set up a factory.

●19From the end of the century20In the early century

Ireland, Southern Europe, East Europe, Asian immigrants, blacks from southern rural areas, blacks and Puerto people from the Caribbeans have moved dramatically, and the population has increased dramatically.

1880In the year, a textile company in the city75% Was owned by immigrant I. 

"Industrial Revolution Mechanization of textile production "

At this time, the United States was in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. Philadelphia was one of the most industrial cities in the world, especially in the textile industry. In this era, important groups of mechanical engineers and inventors developed new manufacturing technology in many industries, especially in textiles. While hand -woven and home production at home continued, mechanical production at factories became the basis of the rapidly expanded Philadelphia textile industry. During the Civil War, Philadelphia was one of the most in the United States of the United States.

Until then, the work that had been done manually at home and store was aged and automated in large factories that employ thousands of people.

19In the middle of the century, the Filadelphia textile industry has developed dramatically and many fiber families were born.

German Town ... Fisher family

East Falls and Manyankan ... Campbells, Scofields, Dobson Family

Manyankan and northeastern Philadelphia ... Lipka family

Kenzington and Frankford ... Bromley family

North Philadelphia ... Doran family.

The Filadelphia textile industry was a major feature that there were large factories but many small and medium -sized specialized companies. Spinning fibers in a factory, weaving in another factory, dyed in another factory, and finished in the last factory. Such a small, specialized fiber network,1920It was a characteristic of the Philadelphia textile industry at the beginning of the century.

A wide variety of products such as carpet, string, jute, hemp, net, meleeus, knit product, shopping (recycled wool product), silk cloth, wool and weekted products, felt hats, and furfelt hats.

 ● 20Early century

It is the heyday of the Filadelphia textile manufacturing industry. The United States with the total value of textile products such as merry -knit products, carpet / carpets, dyeing and finishing, chair tension material, playback wool.1Recorded the rank.

1930Due to the age of the world, the textile industry has shrunk significantly and some of the major textile companies in Philadelphia have declined, but many companies have survived and some important new companies have been established.

Traditional fiber production was continued in Philadelphia, but companies in other regions have also developed new types of materials.1908In the year, the immigrant British businessman Samuel Aiger Salvage established an American screw course, which manufactures rayon, a kind of artificial silk thread.1911In the year, he built a large factory in Marcus Hook, Delaware County. For employees, we planned a British worker community called "Bis Course Village".

1930From the age1940During the age, Dupon introduced synthetic fibers and greatly transformed the textile industry. Products developed by Dupon, such as nylon, orolon, and Dacron,20It brought a revolution in the manufacturing and use of textile products in the middle of the century. Some of these products were produced at Dupon Factory in Delaware, but most of them were produced at Dupon factory in the United States.

Filadelphia's textile industry20Although it was performing well until the mid -century, it has declined greatly after World War II, as in many industrial sector in the city. Filadelphia's financial and social factors include the cheaper labor and energy costs in other areas and the world, competition with low -priced products and changes in the population composition of the city. Many fiber factories were closed or outside the city in the latter half of the century. However, some factories remained in the city, and many factories have moved their business to the surrounding counties, especially the expanding South Jersey State.

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