vol.9『 COWBOY 』

Vol.9 "COWBOY"

Hundreds of years ago when the cowboy in the United States was born, there was a legendary master, a legendary master of throwing ropes, skillfully manipulating the flock of cows.

The cowboy culture in the western United States can go back to the Spanish tradition, Vaquero.
They were workers and workers who handle cows on horses.
The style of the pastores spread throughout the Iberian Peninsula and later imported to the Americas.

The horde of cows needed a vast land to get enough feed.
In addition, it was necessary to move a longer distance than traveling on foot, so the barker on a horse developed.

Baquero is a livestock riding on a traditional horse that has the roots on the Iberian Peninsula and has developed a wide range of Mexico in Mexico from the methodology brought to Latin America from Spain. Baquero was the basis for North American cowboys in northern Mexico, southwestern United States, and western Canada.

[Vaquero to America]

When the Spanish arrived in Mexico in 1519, a ranch with cows and horses imported from Spain was established.
Land owners put indigenous Indians on well -trained horses and taught the treatment of cows.

In the early 1700s, the livestock spread to the current Texas, Arizona, the north of New Mexico, and the south to Argentina.

The indigenous cowboy is called Bakeros, which means cow in Spanish, and has learned a technique using woven ropes.

The 21 -Francisco Association evangelism, which began in 1769, eventually connected from San Diego to San Francisco, the beginning of the California livestock industry.

The mid -1700s to the 1820s
Despite the production of livestock in California and the southwest, there were almost no market markets such as meat, skin, and candles.

In the mid -1700s, these products were carried to Mexico City, and a long train of carries that returned with supplies appeared.

In the early 1800s, an American ship called for a port in California and traded similar supplies.
The ranch owner has the first livestock local market. A large -scale check was made to gather cows, and Bakeros, a horse riding master, controlled the confusion.
It was said that Bakeros, known as a master of equestrian and jumping rope, would only get off the horse when dancing with a beautiful woman.

Initial / MID1800
Many Americans once dominated by Mexico (especially after the 1846-48 war in the Mexico American), and ranch management is no longer a hispanic occupation.

Anglo -based newcomers adapted to Bahakero style, and many settlers married the Spanish old ranch clan.
In 1849 Gold Rush, more people gathered in California, increasing the demand for beef.

California people ride a trained pony, make a large ring with hand -woven skins, wrap a roll called Dali (from the Spanish DAR LA VUELTA "Bend") in a high saddle corner. Demonstrated power when moving.

Late 1800s
With the expansion of the livestock industry, these jockeys found their jobs in Oregon, Aidaho, Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii, and brought back how to handle equipment and livestock.

Oregon, Aidaho, and Cowboys in Nevada have a strong hiss breast, such as using a center fire -equipped saddle, long rear, and silver spade bits with equipment below the central point of the saddle ("Bakaroo". Is derived from Vakero).

Texas, a trail drive, incorporated a lot of techniques from Mexico's Baquero, and went north on the plains to create a subculture of a single traveler working on a ranch.

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